The project involves the production of a documentary with the aim of providing an insight into Trans* peoples’ everyday lives in Malta so that the viewer is presented with the human aspect of Trans* people. It will also serve as an educational tool featuring the recent laws and policies directed to enhancing the lives of Trans* people in Malta.
The documentary will put spotlight on a number (5 to 7 individuals) of Maltese Trans* people from different walks of life. We aim to have a diverse spectrum of people to give full visibility to a wide range of people in the Trans* community; male to female; female to male; young; older; students; employed; different class backgrounds, religion or lack of it, disability, sexual orientation, age, body shape, political ideology and ethnic background.
Tran persons are one of the most vulnerable groups in society often at higher risk of being harassed, discriminated against and assaulted as well as at higher risk of early school leaving, unemployment, poverty and social exclusion. The proposed documentary aims to provide insight into the everyday lives of Trans* individuals living in Malta and the impact that legislation and policy has on their lives. It seeks to give trans people a voice by telling their stories, focusing on their humanity and demystifying their lives to the general public. It also seeks to create an education and awareness raising tool that can be used in a range of settings. The priorities therefore are to:
- Create an education and awareness raising tool of high quality;
- To engage a diverse range of trans persons and to engage them in the telling of their own stories;
- To highlight the positive impact that legislation and policy can have on the everyday lives of
- vulnerable groups;
- To focus on the resilience, courage and humanity of trans persons;
- To facilitate use of the resource through dissemination and the production of accompanying guidance notes as well as the use of subtitles;
Some of the themes the documentary seeks to portray are:
- What were the key milestones in the journey towards self-affirmation?
- What were the major challenges that needed to be overcome in their transition?
- What was it that gave them hope? Who supported them?
- What does the future look like?
- Download details