The Rainbow Library is the first LGBTIQ+ library in Malta with more than 300 books available. There are different genres such as biographies, history, trans/non-binary works, poetry, queer classics, adult fiction, young adult fiction, children’s books, zines, HIV/AIDS, politics and education amongst others. The library is free for those with silver or gold membership with MGRM, and there is an annual library membership fee of 5 euros for basic members (see membership options further below in this page).
The library is located at the MGRM’s office in Mosta and will be open every Tuesday and Thursday between 3pm and 6pm. For further information do not hesitate to contact us on our Facebook page or by phone on 99255559.
Rainbow Library hija l-ewwel librerija LGBTIQ+ f’Malta li tinkorpora iktar minn 300 ktieb. Il-librerija għandha temi differenti bħal bijografiji, storja, trans/non-binary, poeżiji, kotba klassiċi, fizzjoni adulta, fizzjoni għaż-żgħażagħ, kotba għat-tfal, zines, HIV, politika u edukazzjoni fost oħrajn. Il-librerija hija b’xejn għal min għandu sħubija tal-fidda jew tad-deheb mal-MGRM, filwaqt li hemm miżata ta’ 5 ewro għal dawk li għandhom sħubija bażika (Ara l-għażliet ta’ sħubija iżjed ‘l isfel fil-paġna).
Il-librerija tinsab ġewwa l-uffiċċju tal-MGRM fil-Mosta u ser tkun miftuħa kull nhar ta’ Tlieta u Ħamis bejn it-3 u s-6 ta’ wara nofsinhar. Għal iktar informazzjoni tiddejqux tikkuntatjawna fuq il-paġna tagħna fuq Facebook jew fuq il-mobile 99255559.

- A client can take up to two books at a time.
- This excludes materials which are free to keep.
- Books can be kept up to 4 weeks.
- After 4 weeks, books can be renewed.
- Book renewals are for an addition of 2 weeks.
- Books can only be renewed one consecutive time so that in total, books can consecutively stay with a person for 8 weeks.
- Should books not be returned by 1 month after the last deadline, the client’s library membership is suspended.
- To reactivate memberships, books need to be returned. Should this not be possible, books of equal value and on similar subjects (ideally the same) are donated to the library.
- Donated books should have a ‘donated by’ label unless the donor does not wish so or in the case that those books are replacements for previous books (A.8)
- Measures to mitigate the spread of Covid-19 are in place. Kindly read them here.