
Gender is generally thought of as a stable trait: we are born male or female and we stay that way
The practice is now deemed a “deceptive and harmful” act. Malta has made history. The island nation has become the
Parliament approves Bill presented by the ministry for civil liberties which criminalises conversion practices The Maltese parliament has approved the
The Malta Chamber of Psychologists proud to have played central role in the drafting of bill banning gay conversion therapy
From bathrooms and beauty pageants to diplomatic disputes and Donald Trump's U.S. presidential victory, 2016 was a turbulent year for
Aġenziji tal-aħbarijiet u ġurnali elettroniċi madwar id-dinja qed jirrapportaw b’mod propminenti dwar kif Malta saret l-ewwel pajjiż li għamlet illegali
The Mediterranean island nation of Malta has become the first European country to criminalize therapeutic methods that purport to change a person’s
Under new law anyone found guilty of trying to change, repress or eliminate a person’s sexual orientation faces fine or
Malta has become the first European country to ban gay conversion therapy. The bill against the practice, which aims to
Pass kbir ‘l quddiem fil-libertajiet ċivili Saru reat kriminali dawk li jissejħu ‘conversion practices’ – prattiċi biex wieħed jipprova jbiddel is-sesswalità