
16-year-olds can now apply to change gender on official documents Gay conversion therapy has been outlawed, with parliament this evening
Malta has inadequate measures to address the continued rise in HIV infections, the Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM) and Allied
The Malta Gay Rights Movement and Allied Rainbow Communities advocated for a new HIV treatment protocol and access to medication through
Fl-okkażjoni tal-Jum Dinji tal-AIDS 2016, il-gruppi Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM) u Allied Rainbow Communities (ARC) espremew il-bżonn ta’ aktar
Bill to ban gay ‘conversion therapy’ passes through committee stage with added layers to ensure it won’t apply to regular
The Ministry for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties refers to the article entitled ‘Equality Bill “may encroach on
Kienu 120 koppja li daħlu f’unjoni ċivili f’Malta u Għawdex minn April tal-2014, meta f’pajjiżna ddaħlet il-liġi dwar l-unjonijiet ċivili.
A number of NGOs have called on the home affairs ministry to immediately revoke the decision to suspend THP-n status
15 civil society organisations, under the ‘Malta rent coalition’ umbrella, talk of vulnerable people’s inability to cope with rising rent
Civil liberties minister Helena Dalli praises public outcry and reaction to online attack on transgender activist Alex Caruana by Ghaqda Patrijotti