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61% tal-Maltin jaqblu li l-ligi tal-unjoni ċivili tinbidel f’waħda ta’ żwieġ. Żvela dan stħarriġ ta’ The Malta Independent li juri bidla
Equality is a principle that hardly anybody declares to be in disagreement with. How can one not be in favour
Il-Belġju ffirma Memorandum of Understanding ma’ Malta biex ifassal il-liġi tal-identità tal-ġeneru fuq il-mudell ta’ Malta. Waqt laqgħa ma’ rappreżentati mill-komunità LGBTIQ
Il-Belgju qed jitlob għal Memorandum of Understanding ma’ Malta biex ifassal il-ligi tal-identità tal-ġeneru fuq il-mudell ta’ Malta. Dan qalitu
In midst of Panamagate, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat announces he wants gay marriage debate • Opposition leader Simon Busuttil: 'no
The Malta Chamber of Psychologists said that while homosexuals should enjoy the same rights as everyone else in Maltese society,
Lack of understanding and professional training for doctors and teachers about issues affecting LGBT people continue to endanger their fundamental
The human rights group which drafted the Civil Unions Act has challenged MPs to introduce same-sex marriage laws by the
An increase in the incidence of HIV, which can lead to Aids, was the result of gay relationships and not
Since the two main political leaders appear to be in agreement over marriages to all couples, irrespective of gender, a