Local News

A lifetime ban on gay men from donating blood should be lifted and replaced by a 12-month deferral, the Labour
Labour party's youth wing says that the current lifetime ban on blood donation by gay individuals is disporportionate and outdated. They
Wara li l-Gvern Malti ħabbar li sa Settembru 2016, il-Ministeri kollha huma meħtieġa li jintroduċu ‘Gender Neutral Toilets’ fi ħdan il-binjiet
I can fully understand the Prime Minister’s response, more than once, when asked: “What has been your proudest moment since
Wara li daħlet il-liġi ta-identita’ tal-ġeneru, l-Gvern Malti ddeċieda li għandu jkun parti minn minoranza fl-Ewropa li jdaħħal dan l-istess
Priġunieri transgender li jinsabu fil-Facilità Korretiva ta’ Kordin se jkollhom l-istess drittijiet skont il-liġi tal-identità tal-ġeneru li għaddiet f’April li għaddha.Permezz tal-policy, il-priġunieri transgender, gender
“Illum nistgħu nintroduċu lit-tifel tagħna; se nibqgħu grati għal dejjem għal dan il-mument, se nkunu nistgħu ngħixu l-ħolma tagħna li
A gay couple has become the first in Malta to adopt a child in the wake of its civil union.
“I think the greatest thing about being transgender is that one day I will have a grizzly bear type beard
Only five countries in the world have given lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people equal constitutional rights, global research