All posts by General Mgrm

VOPS 24 – Call for Proofreader

2024 marks the 20th anniversary since the first Pride March in Malta, and to celebrate it, we are releasing a book and a series of interviews, alongside an exhibition. 

We are looking for someone who can proofread transcripts of approx. 40,000 words (with translations, when necessary) in Maltese & English on a tight deadline; excerpts of the transcripts will be part of the book we are planning on releasing. 

Eligibility Criteria

Bidders must submit a CV, a quotation (with a maximum bid of €1500 for both languagesincluding VAT number, while also demonstrating the ability to produce the work being contracted to the high quality being sought.

Intellectual Property

All intellectual property rights belong to MGRM, the respective donors of the materials, and the photography/videography team


Individuals may propose working jointly with one or more persons given the tight deadlines envisaged. This must be clearly stated in their submission. Bidders are to attach CV’s of each expert.

Following the adjudication, any subcontracting to third parties other than the selected service provider/s needs to be approved in writing by MGRM other than for technical elements such as translations or proof reading.

Bids are to be sent to MGRM on For any queries, please contact Robert Attard on +356 99255559. Deadline is 2nd August 2024.

Tentative Project Timeline

Call Deadline Application

2nd August 2024

Contracting of Selected Applicant

6th August  2024

Finalisation of Proofreading

18th August 2024


This project has been funded through the Voluntary Organisations Project Scheme managed by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector supported by the Ministry for Inclusion and Voluntary Organisations.
This project reflects the views only of the author, and the MCVS cannot be held responsible for the content or any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Call for Child Educators

The Rainbow Families Network (RFN) is a joint collaboration between MGRM and the Malta Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society. This initiative is dedicated to providing a space for LGBTI Families and their children through discussion meetings, informational talks, and informal activities.

The Rainbow Families network is seeking passionate and dedicated Early Childhood Educators to provide their services for children aged 1-5 years during RFN events and activities, usually happening once a month.

Key Responsibilities

1. Childcare Provision
– Provide safe, nurturing, and engaging childcare during events.
– Ensure the physical and emotional wellbeing of all children in their care.

2. Planning
– Collaborate with MGRM and MGFWS to understand event requirements, schedules, and child-
specific needs.
– Assist in planning and implementing age-appropriate activities for children.

3. Communication
– Maintain open and effective communication with MGRM and MFWS Officials
– Work collaboratively with the other educators and volunteers to ensure cohesive care and
support for children.

4. Safety and Compliance
– Adhere to all policies of the network including the safeguarding and GDPR policies.
– Ensure a safe environment for children.
– Always maintain confidentiality of sensitive information.

Qualifications and Requirements

Applicants for this position must:
(i) be able to communicate in both Maltese and English to the benefit of the service user.
(ii) be in possession of a recognised qualification in Early Childhood Education, Child Care, or a related field.
(iii) be able to work independently and as part of a team.

(iv) Be able to work during evenings and weekends.
Experience working with children with learning difficulties and disabilities will be considered an asset.

Application Process

Interested candidates are invited to submit their CV, covering letter, relevant certifications and police conduct by sending an email on by not later than Friday 19th July.

The ratios of children per educator will be smaller than classroom ratios to ensure a more personalised care. This position is on a casual basis; successful applicants will be responsible for paying their own taxes.

VOPS 24 – Call for Exhibition Curator

Call for Curator

Are you interested in photography, local queer history, exhibitions and archiving? Do you have a flair for the interpretation of artwork, audio-visual representation and organising?

If so then we invite you to apply for the position of Curator to help commemorate the 20th Anniversary of Pride in Malta through photos, information and illustration of individuals and history that make up the heart of the movement.

Photographs, interviews and design will all be published in an exhibition commemorating the milestone, which will be taking place at The Malta Postal Museum in Valletta.

Terms of Reference

– To determine, after consulting the MGRM’s team, the content and form of the exhibition.

– Work closely with MGRM to gather content, and suggest new content when needed.

– Keeping in mind the publication, and videos and photographs taken for the exhibition, in order to strengthen the curatorial concept, interlinking the different aspects of the project.

– To bear in mind the context of the exhibition and where it is to be held.

– Coordinate with MGRM’s team and provide critical input to the exhibition project as well as collect key information and media materials.

– Attend openings and assist with set up/takedown, and communicate about the exhibition.

– Attend discussions/talks in order to bring more online visibility to the exhibition

– In this and all of its projects, MGRM prioritises sustainability and would request that choices and decisions made are not detrimental to the environment.

Eligibility Criteria

Bidders must submit a CV, a quotation (with a maximum bid of €1500 for proofreading of both languages) including VAT number, and portfolio with relevant curatorial experience while also demonstrating the ability to produce the work being contracted to the high quality being sought.

Intellectual Property

All intellectual property rights belong to MGRM, the respective donors of the materials, and the photography/videography team


Individuals may propose working jointly with one or more persons given the tight deadlines envisaged. This must be clearly stated in their submission. Bidders are to attach CV’s of each expert.

Following the adjudication, any subcontracting to third parties other than the selected service provider/s needs to be approved in writing by MGRM other than for technical elements such as translations or proof reading.

Bids are to be sent to MGRM on For any queries, please contact Robert Attard on +356 99255559. Deadline is 14th July 2024.


TimeLine of Project

Call Deadline Application

14th July 2024

Contracting of Selected Applicant

16th July  2024

Gathering & Merging of Data

26th July 2024

Presentation of Ideas for Artistic Concept 

9th August 2024

Final Draft of Curatorial Plan

23rd August 2024


30th August 2024

Exhibition Setup

6th September 2024



This project has been funded through the Voluntary Organisations Project Scheme managed by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector supported by the Ministry for Inclusion and Voluntary Organisations.
This project reflects the views only of the author, and the MCVS cannot be held responsible for the content or any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Malta MEP Elections 2024 – A Guide for LGBTIQ+ voters & allies

The European elections are nearing, and we’ve collected information you might find useful to inform your choices this Saturday. 

There is also a free tool we found on Times of Malta that helps you match your views with the main local and European parties.

The European elections and LGBTIQ Rights

We contacted various local candidates contesting the EU elections, asking them to protect the rights of LGBTI people as future elected members of the European Parliament, by signing the “Come Out 4 Europe” pledge.

The upcoming European Parliament elections will be a pivotal moment for the future of the EU. As we witness the rise of political forces that question or attack freedom, basic fundamental rights and democracy, it is a time when we must all pull together for the Europe we want to see.

Is it just about LGBTIQ rights?

LGBTIQ rights do not exist in a bubble, and apart from intersecting with other groups (disability, age, ethnicity to name a few), LGBTIQ persons should also enjoy other fundamental rights. These include the right to healthcare (general as well as sexual and reproductive healthcare), freedom of movement, asylum, education, freedom of expression, and freedom from discrimination amongst many others. Any work at EU or national level to hinder or roll back any human rights will affect the LGBTIQ community in Malta and across Europe too. Our country is the ‘top’ in LGBTIQ rights in Europe, but our rights can be taken away much faster than they were achieved.

Who pledged to protect LGBTIQ Rights?

24 candidates have signed the “Come Out 4 Europe” pledge. 

We are aware that some candidates or their political parties in government have pledged to protect LGBTIQ rights, while they have made comments, proposed or incorporated policies/legislation that negatively impact our community and other areas which affect LGBTIQ persons, such as trans and gender diversity, asylum and reproductive healthcare. We will continue to monitor local and EU level discourse, to hold candidates and their political parties accountable to our community for their work. 


Arnold Cassola, James Ryder Muscat

ADPD (4 candidates)

Sandra Gauci, Ralph Cassar, Mina Jack Tolu, Rachelle Deguara

Volt Malta (1 candidate)

Matthias Iannis Portelli

Partit Laburista (9 candidates)

Thomas Bajada, Steve Ellul, Clint Azzopardi Flores, Claudette Abela Baldacchino, Jesmond Marshall, Jesmond Bonello, Marija Sara Vella Gafa, Daniel Attard, Alex Agius Saliba

Partit Nazzjonalista (8 candidates)

Miriana Calleja Testaferrata de Noto, Norma Camilleri, David Casa, Roberta Metsola, Louise Anne Pulis, Peter Agius, David Agius, Lee Bugeja Bartolo

Who did not pledge to protect LGBTIQ Rights?

Partit ABBA 

Ivan Grech Mintoff, Antonia Gauci

Imperium Europa

Norman Lowell, Terence Portelli

Independent Candidates

Noel Apap, Malcolm Bezzina, Nazzareno Bonici, Conrad Borg Manche, Alexander D’Agata, Radu Gheorge, George Grixti, Stephen Florian, Simon Mercieca, Edwin Vassallo, Adrian Zammit


Manifestos of parties whose members signed the pledge

Please note the points below do not reflect the full manifestos, but we are listing keywords that stood out. We encourage voters to be analytical, and compare pledges made with the track record of the party or candidate.

Partit Laburista 

Malta first, peace and neutrality, economic competitiveness, climate change, immigration, strengthen connectivity, Gozo, European funds, agriculture & fisheries, future of the EU 

See manifesto

Partit Nazzjonalista 

European funds, public transport and alternative modes of transport, the environment as a human right, strengthening democracy and rule of law, Gozo, youths, support farmers, herdsmen and fishermen

See manifesto


The environment (climate change, cleaner modes of transport, pollution and more), education, healthcare, mental health, economy, anti-corruption and strengthening democracy, equality and protection of human rights (including LGBTIQ and asylum seekers), AI, freedom of the press, cooperation and peace in the EU, trade. 

See Manifesto


(Volt is part of a European-wide group with a very detailed manifesto. The below summarises the main points.)

Prosperity of the EU, foreign affairs and defence, green economy, quality of life, anti-discrimination and promoting inclusivity, employment, fighting tax evasion, family planning and inclusive reproductive rights, community social solidarity, mental health, affordable housing, workers’ rights, asylum seeker rights, migration, reform of the EU, anti-corruption, protecting democracy, freedom of press, climate change, renewable and clean energy, sustainability, the environment

See manifesto

Arnold Cassola

Environment & nature (regulating development, access to public coasts, renewable energy, zero plastic, waste collection and more), good governance (rule of law, transparency etc), equal pay for equal work, improvement of minimum wage, youths (investment in sports and programmes, research and innovation, equal opportunities)

See manifesto

James Ryder Muscat

James Ryder Muscat’s manifesto is not published, however from statements made in the run up to the election, he is proposing an alternative under the slogan of ‘we’ve had worse’. James has also pledged support for LGBTIQ and reproductive rights. 

Notable comments made by non-signing candidates

Partit ABBA

Partit ABBA has made various comments in the past that indicate their leaning to a conservative right-wing approach to politics. Members of ABBA describe themselves and their politics as Christian, which is a position that is largely critical of equal rights for LGBTIQ individuals.

Ivan Grech Mintoff declared on a debate on TVM that he would resign from Partit ABBA and that he would sue the Secretary General of the party for libel. This position seemed to have changed on Thursday 6 June, when Grech Mintoff suddenly promoted Partit ABBA and its other candidate, Antonia Gauci, on his facebook page.

Imperium Europa

Imperium Europa has been described as a ‘neo-fascist’ party, however this claim cannot be clearly confirmed when reading the manifesto of the party. In 2013, Norman Lowell was found guilty of inciting racial hatred.

The manifesto is laden with very neutral language with unclear references to LGBTIQ rights. The only pledge made states that the party is in favour of: ‘Reversing policies based on social construct and recognising the age-old two genders: male and female, while ensuring that homosexual persons are treated equally and with respect.’

Edwin Vassallo

Edwin Vassallo used to be a PN MP up till a few years ago. Having failed to be elected in the latest election, he is now an independent candidate. Vassallo was the only MP to vote against marriage equality in 2017, voted against a gender-based and domestic violence bill in 2018 and in 2019 he famously shared a post in which he warned his followers that someone was ‘injecting fruits with blood containing HIV and AIDS’. Vassallo later apologised for sharing the post. It is worth noting that the HIV virus does not survive outside of the human body. AIDS is a syndrome caused by untreated HIV, so it cannot be spread.

Conrad Borg Manche

Conrad Borg Manche is the mayor of Gzira and previously represented the Partit Laburista from which he resigned in 2023. Borg Manche describes himself as a politician with socialist values. Borg Manche was amongst a group of people who criticised a 2023 EuroPride event in which a drag queen was amongst a line of dancers teaching a dance routine for people including children who voluntarily attended. Therapists specialising in sexual developments debunked the myth, stating that events such as this help children become ‘more tolerant and remove prejudices’

On Wednesday 5 June 2024, Borg Manche declared that if elected he would join the European Conservative and Reformist Group in Parliament. As the name implies, the policies of the group are extremely conservative, and all its members so far include right-wing and far-right politicians, such as Marine Le Pen in France and Giorgia Meloni in Italy. 

In a post on his facebook page, Borg Manche shared the group’s position on LGBTIQ rights, seemingly endorsing them. Amongst others, the post stated that the group is critical of ‘proactive politics and laws’ because they promote ‘special rights for the LGBTIQ community, which could discriminate against other groups’. In reply to comments under this post, Borg Manche stated that he is in favour of civil liberties, but then adding that there is an ‘imbalance’ with respect to the ‘family’.

VOPS 24 – Call for Graphic Designer

Are you a keen designer with an interest in local LGBTQ+ history? 

If so then we invite you to apply for the position of design a book with photography and text of approximately 30 pages, alongside graphics for an exhibition commemorating the 20th Anniversary of Pride in Malta through photos, and interviews of individuals who were present during the first Pride march.

Terms of Reference

  • To determine, after consulting the MGRM’s team, the content and form of the media
  • To keep in mind the context of the project
  • Coordinate with MGRM’s team and provide critical input of the project
  • The creative liberty of the designer will be respected
  • Individuals or companies are welcome to apply

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants interested in the position of Book Designer should have:

  • Experience in editorial design, especially of books
  • Time Management 
  • Attention to detail
  • Sensitivity to LGBTIQ issues

Applicants must submit a CV and a portfolio with relevant experience demonstrating the ability to produce the work being contracted to the high quality sought.

Intellectual Property

All intellectual property rights belong to MGRM


Individuals may propose working jointly with one or more persons given the tight deadlines envisaged. This must be clearly stated in their submission. Bidders are to attach CV’s of each expert.

Following the adjudication, any subcontracting to third parties other than the selected service provider/s needs to be approved in writing by MGRM other than for technical elements such as translations or proof reading.

Bids, of a maximum of €1000, are to be sent to MGRM on For any queries, please contact Robert Attard on +356 99255559. Deadline is 23rd June 2024.

Provisional Timeline of Project

Call Deadline Application

23rd June 2024

Contracting of Selected Applicant

26th June 2024

Gathering of all Resources

10th July 2024

Final Draft available to MGRM

4th August 2024


12th August 2024

Book Launch & Exhibition

9th September 2024

This project has been funded through the Voluntary Organisations Project Scheme managed by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector supported by the Ministry for Inclusion, Voluntary Organisations and Consumer Rights (MIVC).
This project reflects the views only of the author, and the MCVS cannot be held responsible for the content or any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

June 2024 Events & Activities

Hello queers & friends!

International Pride month incoming, so we’re doubling the fun with twice the amount of events. We’re kicking things off with a thrift event that promises hidden gems, followed by another round of our beloved karaoke. Get ready for Refugee Week Malta, an essential celebration of solidarity and inclusion. Sharpen your wits for our Trivia night, where knowledge meets queerness. And we’ll be closing off the month with Queer Rebels Can Dance, celebrating activism, drag and music through an alternative queer night with Moviment Graffitti. 


Call for Interviewer/Videographer/Photographer

Are you a talented journalist, videographer, or photographer with a keen interest in local LGBTIQ+ history and an eye for storytelling? Or perhaps you have a production company which is interested in collaborating in this exciting project?
If the answer is yes, we invite you to join us as we commemorate the 20th Anniversary of Pride in Malta through a photo documentary, and insightful video interviews with individuals who have been at the heart of the movement. The photographs and interviews will be published in a publication and an exhibition commemorating the milestone. 
Joint bids are also accepted. 

Opportunities Available:


  • Conduct engaging interviews with 10 – 12 activists, community members, and allies who were present at the first Pride march and celebrations in Malta. 
  • Write compelling narratives that highlight personal journeys, challenges faced, and the triumphs that have shaped Malta’s LGBTIQ+ landscape.
  • Coordinate with MGRM team and the photographer/videographer and provide critical input in the project.

  • Record and edit a series of short interviews with 10 – 12 activists, community members, and allies who were present at the first Pride march and celebrations in Malta. 
  • Create visually stunning videos, and snippets based on the interviews, to be published on social media and through an exhibition
  • Coordinate with MGRM team and the photographer/interviewer and provide critical input in the project.

  • Capture portraits of 10 – 12 activists, community members, and allies who were present at the first Pride march and celebrations in Malta, during or following the interviews.
  • To bear in mind the context of the project.
  • Coordinate with MGRM team and the videographer/interviewer and provide critical input in the project.
  • The creative liberty of the photographer will be respected.

Terms of Reference

  • To determine, after consulting the MGRM’s team, the content and form of the media
  • To hold/record/write interviews with people who were present or heavily involved with Malta’s first Pride march
  • To bear in mind the context of the project
  • Coordinate with MGRM’s team and provide critical input to the project
  • The creative liberty of the interviewer/videographer/photographer will be respected.
  • Individuals and/or production companies are welcome to apply

Eligibility Criteria
Bidders must submit a CV and portfolio with relevant experience in the respective fields, while also demonstrating the ability to produce the work being contracted to the high quality being sought.

An understanding of the sensitivity around the lived experience of minority groups in Malta is essential. 

Selection Criteria

  • Quality of portfolio presented;
  • Knowledge of LGBTIQ issues and LGBTIQ affirmative approach
  • Technical and Financial Bid in accordance to MCVS/VOPS regulations


  • Maximum funding available to cover all three positions are as follows, inclusive of VAT:
    – Photographer €800
    – Videographer €5000
    – Journalist/Interviewer €3500

Intellection Property

  • All intellectual property rights belong to MGRM.


Individuals may propose working jointly with one or more persons given the tight deadlines envisaged. This must be clearly stated in their submission. Bidders are to attach CV’s of each expert.
Following the adjudication, any subcontracting to third parties other than the selected service provider/s needs to be approved in writing by MGRM other than for technical elements such as translations or proof reading.

Bids are to be sent to MGRM on, and should include a quotation. For any queries, please contact Robert Attard on +356 99255559. Deadline is 1st April 2024.


Call Application Deadline 1st April
Contracting of selected interviewer/photographer/videographer 5th April
Finalise interviews 31st May
Recording of panel discussion commemorating the 20th anniversary of Pride 5th July
Finalising all materials (videos/photographs/interviews) 9th August
Proofreading of interviews & content for publication/exhibition 16th August
Printing of book 23rd August
Launch of publication/exhibition 2nd – 11th September
This project has been funded through the Voluntary Organisations Project Scheme managed by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector supported by the Ministry for Inclusion, Voluntary Organisations and Consumer Rights (MIVC).
This project reflects the views only of the author, and the MCVS cannot be held responsible for the content or any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Expression of Interest for Youth Work Service with MGRM

  1. As part of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, within the Ministry of Inclusion and Social Well-Being and the Malta LGBTIQ Rights Movement, MGRM is inviting applications for one position of Youth Work Provision of Service to be provided with the MGRM. 
  2. The successful applicants should hold a qualification in YOUTH AND COMMUNITY STUDIES at diploma level or higher;
  3. The responsibilities of the Youth Worker include an ability to provide:
    • A positive social network and safe environment for the young people participating in the programme/s and/or service/s by the Malta LGBTIQ Rights Movement;
    • Holistic personal development opportunities which are empowering and motivating;
    • Deliver quality youth work services following MGRM’s and Aġenzija Żgħażagħ’s policies, objectives, standards and procedures;
    • Engage with young people in leisure and entertainment working areas as part of an interdisciplinary team to provide care and support, informal education and referral to other services where required;
    • Work as part of a team and collaborate with management and co-ordinators of MGRM;
    • Keep attendance and participation records of young people attending the programme/s and/or service/s;
    • Participate in meetings and internal evaluations as necessary at no additional cost;
    • Provide at least three months in advance, the programme planned including the activities to be delivered to young people, which has to be approved by MGRM; 
    • Ensure that confidentiality is maintained and that data is protected according to General Data Protection Regulations enacted on 25th May 2018.
  4. The successful service candidates will be offered a two-year contract agreement with MGRM for a minimum of six hours monthly, mainly in the evenings or over the weekend and according to the selected candidates’ availability hours mutually agreed and annexed to the contract, to perform duties on a different number of projects that MGRM will be engaged in. 
  5. The rate is €15.00 per hour of service delivered [or contact time with young people] if the candidate holds a degree or higher qualification in Youth Work and €12.50 per hour of service delivered [or contact time with young people] for candidates with a diploma, which either rate is inclusive of all taxes and no further fees shall be charged for travelling, preparation for sessions including meetings concerning the programme/s and/or service/s.
  6. Motivational letters, including a Europass CV, work experience, references and certified copies of qualifications and the police conduct certificate are to be submitted to MGRM, 32, Parish Street, Mosta MST 2021 in a sealed envelope or by email to by not later than 2nd February 2024
  7. Original certificates and testimonials are to be submitted for verification at the interview.
  8. The Selection Criteria and weightings set for the interview are the following: Knowledge about the Malta LGBTIQ Rights Movement and contextKnowledge and Suitability about the post including an understanding of the role and experience; Abilities and Skills including applied learning, communication skills, teamwork and leadership skills and Personal Attributes including motivation and commitment; adaptability and flexibility and personality.
  9. Eligible candidates providing such service will be interviewed by a selection board to assess their suitability for the post. 
  10. Applications by post should be sent by registered mail, allowing sufficient time to ensure delivery by the above deadline. These applications will be acknowledged in writing by MGRM within seven days. 
  11. Malta LGBTIQ Rights Movement reserves the right to reject any or all submissions associated with this call for an Expression of Interest. Late applications will be discarded. 
  12. For further information or queries, please email

A Guide on Hate Speech and Hate Crime

A guide on hate speech and hate crime

Don’t accept hate.

No one has the right to abuse you for who you are. Everyone has a right to be respected and to express themselves free from abuse.

Quick links

What is hate speech?

Hate speech, also known as bias motivated speech, is written, printed or verbal speech that uses threatening, abusive or insulting language, with the intent to stir up violence or hatred with reference to a person or group based on gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, colour, language, ethnic origin, age, disability, religion, or belief or political or other opinion.

What is hate crime?

Hate crime is any criminal offence which is aggravated or motivated* by hostility, aversion or contempt  based on a victim’s membership (or presumed membership)** of a group based on gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, colour, language, national or ethnic origin, age, disability,  citizenship, religion or belief or political or other opinion. Hate crime is made up of a combination of the following acts such as verbal insults, violence and aggression and inciting. 

* The offender demonstrates this hostility, aversion or contempt, at the time of committing the offence, immediately before or after the offence. 

** Membership in relation to a group, includes association with members of that group. “Presumed” means presumed by the offender.

What are the effects of hate speech?

The effects of hate speech can be devastating to targeted individuals or groups, which affects society. Hate speech is directed not just to LGBT persons, but even people of colour, Muslims, persons with disability, the elderly and other groups. Hate speech is not an isolated phenomenon or limited to extreme groups; it can come from anyone. When hate speech is normalised and entering everyday discourse, it jeopardises peace, social cohesion, and democracy. 

Online and verbal hate speech may affect individuals’ psychological well being directly or indirectly. The amount of damage is significantly larger when an individual is targeted, compared to witnessing it on others. Victims of hate speech are at risk of low self-esteem, depression, increased anxiety and feelings of fear and insecurity.

Hate speech has been shown to lead to and escalate bias motivated violence. Historically, hate speech against different groups has fuelled wars, violent extremism and even genocide.

Genocides do not start with bullets, but with hate speech.

The Holocaust did not start with the gas chambers and concentration camps, but with hate speech and discriminatory policies over a number of years before. Decades of hate speech worsened by ethnic tensions led to the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. These are just two examples from many.


In the case of LGBTIQ persons, it has been observed that increased hate speech has led to an increase in hate crimes against LGBTIQ persons globally, even in countries where homosexuality is not criminalised. 

In 2023, following trends in previous years, ILGA-Europe noted that there had been an increase in bias motivated speech in Europe, especially towards trans people. 2023 has seen a stark rise in violence against LGBT persons, and in the severity of violence. Anti-LGBT hate crime is on the rise in France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Spain, and the UK amongst other European countries. 

In August 2023, an ally of the LGBTIQ community who displayed a pride flag outside her shop was shot and killed by a man in Southern California after she had an argument with him when he tore the flag down and shouted homophobic slurs. This comes alongside an increase in threats and acts of violence towards LGBTIQ persons and allies, as well as a wave of anti-LGBTIQ legislation and policies in the US.  Hate speech hurts everyone.


What is the difference between Hate Speech and Free Speech?

Freedom of expression (aka free speech) is recognised in Maltese, European and International human rights law. But in all instances, duties and responsibilities come with this right and limitations for hate speech exist in law to protect everyone in society. 

“I’m just saying what I think!” or “I have a right to free speech!” are common responses when people who have written or said hateful comments are challenged about what they expressed. 

Addressing hate speech does not mean limiting or prohibiting freedom of speech. It means keeping hate speech from escalating into something more dangerous, particularly incitement to discrimination, hostility and violence, which is prohibited under international law.”

— United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, May 2019

Speech that criticises or challenges ideas or the status quo (for example, criticising events, policy, government, teachings), even if it is offensive or unpopular, is protected – it is important so that we can learn about different ideas, think and discuss critically and challenge. That is fundamental to a democratic society. On the other hand, speech that threatens or encourages discrimination, abuse and violence against people should be addressed. 

Internet-based platforms have become places where hateful content has become very common, be it words, videos, photos, memes or articles. It is important for everyone to consider what they are posting, whether it is to exchange and challenge perspectives, or target a group to encourage ‘othering’, violence or hatred. Not all hateful comments would be considered hate speech in the eyes of the law, but they are still hurtful and can be harmful. If you need support, reach out to the services in the next section.

What should you do if you encounter hate speech or hate crime?

Before taking any action, it is important to ensure the wellbeing of the victim, be it yourself or another person. Seek support if you need it. You can reach out to the contacts below:

  • MGRM
    call +356 99255559 or +356 794300006 
  • Victim Support Agency
    call 116 006 (7.30am – 7.30pm, including weekends and public holidays)
  • If in Gozo, you can call LGBTI+ Gozo’s counselling services on +356 9935 6622, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
  • Call 179 or 1579 for emotional support. (National Helplines)

We’re still working on guidelines for bystanders, but here are some existing resources from international organisations.

Bystander intervention training
Bystander Intervention (Please note support services contacts are UK only)

How to report

You can report the incident to the police at a police station or online here,  or the Victim Support Agency. The Victim Support Agency has been established to act as the national contact point for victims of crime, including victims of hate crime. Victims of crime who need assistance are invited  to call on 116 006 (freephone) which is available every day from 7.30am till 7.30pm, including weekends and public holidays. This national victim supportline is meant to provide information to Victims of Crime and facilitate access to victim support services.

When you report a case of online hate speech with the Victim Support Agency, you need to provide a screenshot of the post and comment, and the URL link of where the post/comment was originally published.  If it is a video, use a safe online downloader or screen recorder to download the video. The screenshot/video should not be altered in any way. You also need to provide the URL link to the alleged offender’s Facebook (or other social media) profile, and a screenshot of said profile.

IMPORTANT! Collect the evidence as soon as possible. Offenders sometimes take down their posts/comments/videos within hours or days. 

What happens after a report is filed?

Following the analysis of evidence followed by the lawyer, an official complaint (kwerela) will be issued should the report be found to be hate speech or hate crime and the official complaint will be handled by the Police, who will investigate from their end. Should the investigations result that a criminal act was committed, the alleged offender will be arraigned in court and the persons reporting or victims will be called to act as witnesses. If the offender is convicted of a hate crime, they will be imprisoned between six and eighteen months and a fine could be issued.


I’m encountering a lot of anti-LGBT hate speech online, and it is distressing. What should I do?

Self-care is important. Take a break from social media, go out and do things that sustain you like exercise, meditation, hobbies, hanging out with friends. If you need to talk to someone, you can reach out to our Rainbow Support Service. ( and +356 79430006)

If you are not feeling emotionally well, are passing through a difficult time, or contemplating suicide and need immediate and free emotional support, and advice, you can seek help through the below services.

Online chats

    Available 24/7. Run by SOS Malta.
  • OLLI chat
    Available Monday to Friday between 8am and 8pm, and Saturday between 8am and 4pm. Run by Richmond Foundation.

or call 

  • Freephone 179.
    Available 24/7.National Helpline.
  • Freephone 1579
    Available 24/7. Run by the Ministry of Health.
  • Freephone 1770
    Available Monday to Friday between 8am and 8pm, and Saturday between 8am and 4pm. Run by Richmond Foundation.
  • If in Gozo, you can call LGBTI+ Gozo’s counselling services on +356 9935 6622, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

Legal information and support

aditus foundation or call +356 7707 2221

This page has been written by MGRM with the support of the aditus foundation and information provided by the Victim Support Agency. While this page consists of information based on local legislation, MGRM is not a legal expert and the aim of the material available here is to make the information more accessible. For legal information and advice, please contact a lawyer. If you were a victim of a hate crime, reach out to any of the services provided above.



Maltese Laws on Hate Speech, Hate Crime and Freedom of Expression

Hate Speech & Hate Crime

Article 82A of the Criminal Code states:

(1) Whosoever uses any threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or displays any written or printed material which is threatening, abusive or insulting, or otherwise conducts himself in such a manner, with intent thereby to stir up violence or hatred against another person or group of persons on the grounds of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, colour, language, ethnic origin, age,disability, religion or belief or political or other opinion or whereby such violence or hatred is likely, having regard to all the circumstances, to be stirred up shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from six (6) to eighteen (18) months

(2) For the purposes of sub-article (1) “violence or hatred” means violence or hatred against a person or against a group of persons in Malta defined by reference to gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, colour, language, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, citizenship, religion or belief or political or other opinion.

Article 82C of the Criminal Code states:

(1) Whosoever publicly condones, denies or grossly trivialises crimes against peace directed against a person or a group of persons defined by reference to gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, colour, language, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, citizenship, religion or belief or political or other opinion when the conduct is carried out in a manner-
(a) likely to incite to violence or hatred against such a person or group; or
(b) likely to disturb public order or which is threatening, abusive or insulting, shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from eight months to two years.

(2) For the purposes of this article a crime against peace means conduct consisting of:
(a) the planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression, or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;
(b) participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts referred to in paragraph (a).

Investigation and Punishment for the Offence of Hate Speech/Hate Crime

Article 83B of the Criminal Code states:

The punishment established for any offence shall be increased by one to two degrees when the offence is aggravated or motivated, wholly or in part by hatred against a person or a group, on the grounds of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, colour, language, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, citizenship, religion or belief or political or other opinion within the meaning of sub-articles(3) to (6), both inclusive, of article 222A.

Article 222A of the Criminal Code states:

(1)Deleted by Act LXV.2021.6.

(2) The punishments established in the foregoing provisions of this Sub-title shall also be increased by one to two degrees when the offence is aggravated or motivated on the grounds of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, colour, language, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, citizenship, religion or belief or political or other opinion.

(3) An offence is aggravated or motivated on grounds of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, colour, language, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, citizenship, religion or belief or political or other opinion if:

(a) at the time of committing the offence, or immediately before or after the commission of the offence, the offender demonstrates towards the victim of the offence hostility, aversion or contempt based on the victim’s membership (or presumed membership) of a group, denoting a particular gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, colour, language, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, citizenship, religion or belief or political or other opinion; or

(b) the offence is motivated, wholly or partly, by hostility, aversion or contempt towards members of a group as referred to in paragraph (a).

(4) In sub-article (3)(a):”membership”, in relation to a group, includes association with members of that group;”presumed” means presumed by the offender.

(5) It is immaterial for the purposes of sub-article (3)(a) or (b)whether or not the offender’s hostility is also based, to any extent, on any other factor not mentioned in those paragraphs.

(6) In this article:”racial group” means a group of persons defined by reference to race, descent, colour, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins;”religious group” means a group of persons defined by reference to religious belief or lack of religious belief.

(7) The punishment prescribed for any of the crimes referred to in the preceding articles of this Sub-title shall be increased by one to two degrees in the applicable cases referred to in article 202, provided that where an aggravation of punishment in respect of the circumstances mentioned in this article is already provided for under this Code or any other law, the higher punishment may be applied.

Freedom of Expression Law

Article 41

(1) Except with his own consent or by way of parental discipline, no person shall be hindered in the enjoyment of his freedom of expression, including freedom to hold opinions without interference, freedom to receive ideas and information without interference, freedom to communicate ideas and information without interference (whether the communication be to the public generally or to any person or class of persons) and freedom from interference with his correspondence.

(2) Nothing contained in or done under the authority of any law shall be held to be inconsistent with or in contravention of sub-article (1) of this article to the extent that the law in question makes provision –

(a) that is reasonably required –
(i) in the interests of defence, public safety, public order, public morality or decency, or public health; or
(ii) for the purpose of protecting the reputations, rights and freedoms of other persons, or the private lives of persons concerned in legal proceedings, preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, maintaining the authority and independence of the courts, protecting the privileges of Parliament, or regulating telephony, telegraphy, posts, wireless broadcasting, television or other means of communication, public exhibitions or public entertainments; or

(b) that imposes restrictions upon public officers,

and except so far as that provision or, as the case may be, the thing done under the authority thereof is shown not to be reasonably justifiable in a democratic society