
The government will hold a public consultation next year on its proposal to enable workers to use their sick leave
Seven NGOs voiced their joint opinion on the thorny subject of emergency contraception in the wake of a parliamentary committee
A lifetime ban on gay men from donating blood should be lifted and replaced by a 12-month deferral, the Labour
Labour party's youth wing says that the current lifetime ban on blood donation by gay individuals is disporportionate and outdated. They
Wara li l-Gvern Malti ħabbar li sa Settembru 2016, il-Ministeri kollha huma meħtieġa li jintroduċu ‘Gender Neutral Toilets’ fi ħdan il-binjiet
I can fully understand the Prime Minister’s response, more than once, when asked: “What has been your proudest moment since
Wara li daħlet il-liġi ta-identita’ tal-ġeneru, l-Gvern Malti ddeċieda li għandu jkun parti minn minoranza fl-Ewropa li jdaħħal dan l-istess
Priġunieri transgender li jinsabu fil-Facilità Korretiva ta’ Kordin se jkollhom l-istess drittijiet skont il-liġi tal-identità tal-ġeneru li għaddiet f’April li għaddha.Permezz tal-policy, il-priġunieri transgender, gender
“Illum nistgħu nintroduċu lit-tifel tagħna; se nibqgħu grati għal dejjem għal dan il-mument, se nkunu nistgħu ngħixu l-ħolma tagħna li
A gay couple has become the first in Malta to adopt a child in the wake of its civil union.