Tonio Fenech has taken time out of avoiding cataclysmic meteorites to put pen to paper for an IVF-related opinion piece in the Times of Malta which culminated in an appeal to the Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM).
In his heartfelt plea at the end, Fenech asked for the letter ‘E’ to be added to the LGBTIQ acronym. But what does ‘E’ stand for? Embryos – of course!
“I hope MGRM are genuine in their fight against discrimination,” said Fenech, “if so let them become
While the initial connection between embryos and LGBT+ individuals isn’t really clear (after all, the acronym stands for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Intersex and Queer), Fenech’s post was written as a reaction to statements made by the movement last week.
“We condemn any statements that portray children born through such methods as being deprived of their rights or the result of a selfish desire,” MGRM said in its original statement.
“All children, however they are conceived, have no say in how they come into the world and have absolutely no choice as to the family they will be born into. All human beings are fruit of other people’s actions, desires and choices. In this, children born through IVF are no different to other children and neither are their parents.”
This isn’t the first time the LGBT+ community was dragged into arguments over abortion and IVF. Last year ‘liberal thought’ and ‘pleasing the gay lobby’ were blamed for opening discussions on abortion in a Times of Malta editorial.