Local News

The Ministry for European Affairs and Equality today welcomed the ‘LGBTQI Inclusive Education Report’ conducted by IGLYO, the International LGBTQI
The report revealed that Malta is performing exceptionally well in the vast majority of the indicators which measure how homophobic,
The great strides which Malta has made in recent years with regards to the LGBTIQ community have already started bearing fruit,
The report focused on anti-discrimination law applicable to education The Ministry for European Affairs and Equality has welcomed the ‘LGBTQI
Gender is generally thought of as a stable trait: we are born male or female and we stay that way
Parliament approves Bill presented by the ministry for civil liberties which criminalises conversion practices The Maltese parliament has approved the
The Malta Chamber of Psychologists proud to have played central role in the drafting of bill banning gay conversion therapy
Aġenziji tal-aħbarijiet u ġurnali elettroniċi madwar id-dinja qed jirrapportaw b’mod propminenti dwar kif Malta saret l-ewwel pajjiż li għamlet illegali
Pass kbir ‘l quddiem fil-libertajiet ċivili Saru reat kriminali dawk li jissejħu ‘conversion practices’ – prattiċi biex wieħed jipprova jbiddel is-sesswalità
16-year-olds can now apply to change gender on official documents Gay conversion therapy has been outlawed, with parliament this evening