The First Walk Under the Rainbow // L-Ewwel Mixja Taħt il-Qawsalla

It’s been 20 years since the first pride march, and we have sat down with 12 individuals who were present during this pivotal moment.

Make sure to visit the exhibition ‘The First Walk Under the Rainbow’ at the Malta Postal Museum between 6-14 September at the Malta Postal Museum in Valletta. Use the button below to join us at the launch event on September 5th.

Ep 1The First Steps with Sonja Casha //
L-Ewwel Passi ma’ Sonja Casha

Ep 2 – Advocacy & Support with Colette Farrugia Bennett //
Attiviżmu u Appoġġ ma’ Colette Farrugia Bennett

Ep 3 – Safe Spaces with Claire Azzopardi Lane //
Spazji Siguri ma’ Claire Azzopardi Lane

Ep 4 – Looking Back with Sandro Mangion //
Inħarsu Lura ma’ Sandro Mangion

Ep 5 – Faith and Identity with Mario Gerada //
Fidi u Identità ma’ Mario Gerada

Ep 6 – Pride is a Protest with Angele Deguara //
Il-Pride hija Protesta ma’ Angele Deguara

Ep 7 – The Way Forward with Marceline Naudi //
Il-Quddiem ma’ Marceline Naudi

Ep 8 – Diversity & Cultural Change with Mario Mallia //
Diversita u Bidla Kulturali ma’ Mario Mallia

Ep 9 – Education & Dialogue with Louis Galea //
Edukazzjoni u Djalogu ma’ Louis Galea

Ep 10On Legislation vs. Reality with Evarist Barolo //
Il-Kuntrast tal-Leġiżlazzjoni mar-Realtà ma’ Evarist Bartolo

Ep 11 – On Allyship, Privilege & LGBTIQ Asylum Seekers with Maria Pisani //
Alleanza, Privileġġ u Persuni LGBTIQ Li Qed Ifittxu l-Ażil ma’ Maria Pisani

Ep 12 – Successes & Milestones with Gabi Calleja //
Suċċessi w’Tragwardi ma Gabi Calleja



This project has been funded through the Voluntary Organisation Project Scheme managed by The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector supported by The Ministry for Inclusion and the Voluntary Sector