
'Gay-friendly' is a term that's been thrown around multiple times over the past years when describing Malta, with multiple legislation
Today is the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT). Following a third successive number one placement on the ILGA-Europe
Malta żammet l-ewwel post minn 49 pajjiż fl-Ewropa, fl-analiżi minn ILGA-Europe tas-sitwazzjoni tal-jeddijiet tal-bniedem fil-qasam ta’ persuni LGBTIQ. ILGA-Europe ddeskriviet
Malta żammet u saħħet l-ewwel post fl-indiċi ILGA-Europe għall-2018 li janalizza s-sitwazzjoni tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem fil-qasam ta’ persuni LGBTIQ f’49 pajjiż
Parliament's second reading debate on the controversial Embryo Protection Bill closed on Tuesday with a promise by Health Minister Chris Fearne
Tonio Fenech has taken time out of avoiding cataclysmic meteorites to put pen to paper for an IVF-related opinion piece in the Times of Malta which culminated
If the issue is discrimination, then even MGRM should oppose these amendments The statement issued by the Malta Gay Rights
Fi stqarrija l-Malta Gay Rights Movement wera l-appoġġ għall-emendi proposti fil-liġi għall-protezzjoni tal-Embrijuni. L-MGRM qalet li l-emendi għandhom l-għan li
The Malta LGBTIQ Rights Movement said that children born through IVF are no different than other children, and neither are
Meta kien qed jitkellem dwar id-drittijiet tal-komunità LGBTIQ, il-Prim Ministru qal li bi sforz kollettiv is-soċjetà Maltija kienet mhux biss