News Malta remains role model in EU for LGBT inclusivity 21-07-2018 Malta has been a top-scorer in some of this year’s results in LGBT rights studies. The island – often described Dignity is a human right in prison, too 29-06-2018 In a damning indictment of Malta’s prison conditions, the Constitutional Court has just awarded seven transgender inmates EUR30,000 in compensation Gender Incongruence removed from Mental Health Chapter through ICD 11 25-06-2018 The World Health Organisation (WHO) has announced that, through the International Classification of Diseases 11, Gender Incongruence, previously Gender Dysphoria, Id-drittijiet LGBTIQ idaħħlu lil Malta f’suq turistiku ġdid 24-06-2018 “Esperjenzi li għandna nkunu kburin bihom” – dan kien il-qofol ta’ konferenza li saret aktar kmieni dan ix-xahar f’Londra u Embryo Protection Act amendments pass through Parliament 19-06-2018 Government's proposed controversial amendments to the Embryo Protection Act passed through Parliament this evening, with 34 votes in favour, and Landmark ruling after EU court rules gay couple has same residency rights 05-06-2018 Couple fought six-year battle to get their marriage recognised in Romania The European Court of Justice in Luxembourg has ruled US Supreme Court backs baker who refused to bake a cake for gay couple 04-06-2018 Court says state panel violated baker's religious rights The US. Supreme Court on Monday handed a victory on narrow grounds Authorities will not appeal constitutional court ruling that found human rights breach of transgender prison inmates 30-05-2018 A policy regulating how transgender people should be treated in prison was introduced in August 2016, the government say The Priġunieri transgender ikkumpensati fuq ksur tad-drittijiet u diskriminazzjoni fil-ħabs 29-05-2018 Grupp ta’ priġunieri transgender, ħamsa Maltin u tnejn barranin, se jiġu kkumpensati €5,000 kull wieħed minħabba ksur tad-drittijiet tagħhom u Seven transgender prison inmates awarded €5,000 each in damages for ‘truly disgusting’ treatment 29-05-2018 A Maltese judge has ruled that a group of transgender inmates were 'knowingly and repeatedly' placed by the prison authorities « Previous 1 … 3 4 5 6 7 … 20 Next » Share this:Click to print (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)