“Homosexuality is not a pathology, mental anomaly nor psychological disorder” - Malta Chamber of Psychologists says after “ex gay” campaigner Matthew Grech releases
The mantra associated with the Sustainable Development Goals is that of leaving nobody behind. In taking bold steps to develop
The clinic is served by a number of medical professionals and offers counselling, hormone therapy and surgery advice Thirty persons
New initiative launched by President's foundation Most parents would step in if they heard one of their children call the
Jiem qabel ma pajjiżna jinxtegħel bil-kuluri tal-qawsalla għall-ġimgħa magħrufa bħala l-Pride Week, il-Fondazzjoni tal-President għall-Ġid tas-Soċjetà nediet proġett bl-isem ta’ Rainbow
The garden of the President’s Palace at San Anton will become the venue for meetings of the Rainbow Families Network,
Malta has been a top-scorer in some of this year’s results in LGBT rights studies. The island – often described
In a damning indictment of Malta’s prison conditions, the Constitutional Court has just awarded seven transgender inmates EUR30,000 in compensation
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has announced that, through the International Classification of Diseases 11, Gender Incongruence, previously Gender Dysphoria,
“Esperjenzi li għandna nkunu kburin bihom” – dan kien il-qofol ta’ konferenza li saret aktar kmieni dan ix-xahar f’Londra u