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Il-Kunsill Konsultattiv għad-drittijiet tal-persuni LGBTIQ se jaħdem biex l-irġiel omosesswali jkunu jistgħu jagħtu d-demm, xi ħaġa li s’issa ma jistgħux
State schools should not impose particular uniforms or facilities on gender variant students but allow them to choose a uniform
A gay man is claiming he was told his sexual orientation was “disgusting” and could be cured by a psychologist
The Evangelical practice of turning gay men and women straight or urging them to suppress their sexual orientation is harmful
City Gate in Valletta was transformed into a vibrant sea of colours this afternoon as the annual Gay Pride celebrations
This afternoon Valletta was transformed into a rainbow of colours this afternoon as people gathered to celebrate diversity in this
Il-komunità LGBTI organizzat il-Gay Pride March, l-appuntament annwali ta’ din il-komunità madwar id-dinja li fih tenfazizza d-drittijiet ta’ persuni b’orjentazzjoni
Malta Gay Rights Movement Coordinator Gabi Calleja told the Malta Independent that education on LGBTIQ issues can be introduced as
ILGA-Europe has singled out Malta for fast progress in granting equality to trans and intersex people in the latest Rainbow
Malta this year advanced to third place from its 2014 11th placing  with an overall score of 77% (57% in 2014)