Gay men will only be allowed to donate blood if they abstain from sex for at least one year prior
A transgender woman has claimed that she was punched in the face at an Msida bus stop in an apparent
Thirteen organisations working with children have united under one umbrella network to serve as a united voice for children and
Despite often being referred to as one of the world’s friendliest and safest countries, particularly in relation to the LGBT+
Firsthand Accounts Of Malta's LGBT+ Students Show We've Still Got A Long Way To Go 40% of students said that
Malta kklassifikat l-aqwa fid-dinja fil-ġlieda kontra l-omofobija u l-protezzjoni abbażi tal-orjentazzjoni sesswali. Dan ikkonfermatu l-Assoċjazzjoni Internazzjonali tal-Persuni Leżbjani, Gay, Bisesswali,
The LGBT Christian Group Drachma this morning published an open letter addressed individually to gay persons, telling them that any
'Love your children. Always, no matter who they are' A progressive priest by the name of Fr Kevin was interviewed
Press Release 23.02.2019 - The MAP notes the recent debate on homosexuality and especially the statement reported in the media
They claimed the gay rights lobby received funds to lobby for the legalisation of abortion in Malta Pro-life lobby Gift